Editor Letter

Editorial: The US Election

Hello Guys.

I feel like many book bloggers are taking hiatus’ because of the US presidential election results. I will not be taking one so please look forward to book reviews and other bookish posts.

My experience was a different one than most Americans as I am currently working abroad in a country that has good relations with the US. While it did not have the same impact as I am not currently living in America, I understand you all. Many of you know I am Mexican-American. That should tell you a lot about my opinion of Trump. But I am choosing to be optimistic. I choose to not be filled with fear and dread. The country my parents come from is a lot more messed up than the United States and even then I still love it.  You can either be a part of the change or whine and moan, and do nothing. I understand we all need to mourn and grieve. We need time to come to terms with what just happened. But I will tell you this. The United States is still a great country regardless of the people who live in it. We had a fair and square election which does not exist in many countries.

If you want to see change and a different America you need to act and be the change. Be optimistic. Inspire others to be the change. And the only way this will work is by loving those who disagree with us, our neighbors and our enemies. If we don’t do that, we are no better than them.

I hope you will continue to read this blog. This blog is neither Blue or Red, Republican or Democrat. This blog is here to talk about books and be a bridge that connects people across the world. In a way, we are an entertainment blog as well find books entertaining, which is why this is the last time I will mention anything political on here. I just needed to address such a big event on such a tense time in the history of America.

The world has its eyes on you America. Will the world be filled with hope or despair? What will you do? What will WE do?

With Hope,

Vero Signature copy


Editor Letter

Welcome My New Co-Blogger

I have some big news. The Talking Bookworm is no longer a solo gig, but someone else has joined The Talking Bookworm family. Let’s all welcome Liz Brooks!

*throws confetti*

(Liz is on the right)
(Liz is on the right)

I want to thank you all for tweeting my link and helping me  find a co-blogger. I’m really excited to be working with Liz and even more excited for you guys to see her upcoming content. Exciting new things happening here at The Talking Bookworm!!

You can now expect to see more YA sub-gentes being reviewed as a result of this partnership.

Who’s excited with me?! *raises hand*

Vero Banner Signature

Editor Letter

Changing the template for Book Reviews

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely Tuesday.

I’m announcing today that I am changing my book review template so I can better evaluate and review books. The parts that I’m changing are the main sections, “What I like” and “What I dislike” to “Initial Thoughts” and ” Review”. A reason why I am changing how books are reviewed is because my old template is basically saying that the book I am reviewing has both good stuff and negative stuff. Sometimes that isn’t the case so I’ve created a new template where I can criticize and analyze books in a better and more efficient way.

That is all and I hope you guys have a great week! 


– Veronica


Editor Letter

May Recap

The month of May was a hectic one as you may all know if you’ve been keeping up with me. I graduated from college about a week ago and I am joining the real world as some like to say. This month I wasn’t able to do everything I normally do for my book blog but starting the month of June (tomorrow) I will be going back to normal. I might even add some extra features but no promises.

Books I read in the month of May:

1.  A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty | Review

2.  Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry | Review

3.  Perfect Cover by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | Review

4.  Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally | Review

5.  Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally | Review

6.  Crossing The Line by Katie McGarry | Review

7.  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green |Review Coming Soon…

Top Ten Tuesday Posts

• Top Ten Books I Want To Reread | Link

• Top Five Books Dealing With Tough Subjects | Link

• Top Ten Books When You Need Something Light & Fun | Link

I was able to read a lot in the month of May even though I was crazy busy and there were many life altering events happening. Thank you everyone for putting up with my random posts this month. June will be different… or well going back to normal at least.

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter

May (A sort of hiatus)

Hello everyone!

I am in the last two weeks of school, then a week of finals, and at the end of that week, I graduate! It’s crunch time for me so I have canceled Book Blast from the Past and Book Spotlight for this month. I will continue to do my normal reviews (If I can find time to read and do all of my final papers and assignments) and I will definitely continue to do the Top Ten Tuesday meme because I need some fun and consistency in this blog. The blog will return to normal in the month of June.

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter

April Blog News

Hello Everyone!

Happy April Fools Day (if you live in the USA that is)!

This month of April I’m going to try to start participating in The Broke and The Bookish Top Ten Tuesday Meme. I have another book haul post coming soon and let’s not forget about Book Blast from the Past and Book Spotlight #2 this month.

  • Book Blast from the Past will be posted April 6th (which is the first saturday of this month)
  • Book Spotlight #2 will be posted April 11th (which is the second thursday of this month).

I believe that is all the news I have as of now for the month of April so keep on reading and you’ll see a post of mine shortly in your inbox/reader/dashboard.

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter, Random

March Recap

This month has been a crazy and busy month for myself but I’ve managed to post 4 book reviews and finish reading a total of 9 books!

The books were:

  1. Both Sides of Time by Caroline B. Cooney: Review 4/5
  2. Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X#1) by Richelle Mead: Review 5/5
  3. The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen: I absolutely disliked this book. I am never again going to buy a book that I’ve heard nothing about. I was really disappointed by the amount of sex stuff in it which made me skip a lot of the book. The quality of the writing was also horrid. I don’t understand the hype around this book. 1/5
  4. Juliet Immortal (Juliet Immortal #1) by Stacey Jay: It took me 3 months to finish this book. I found it hard to get into it and the characters weren’t relatable at all. 3/5
  5. If We Kiss by Rachel Vail: Another book I was disappointed in. I’m happy I only paid a dollar for it on my nook. 2/5
  6. Imperium (Cicero #1) by Robert Harris: Review 5/5
  7. Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini: I had to read this book for a class and I found it very interesting. Its a fun academic read. 5/5
  8. Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society #3) by Ally Carter: Review 5/5
  9. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki: This book was eye opening and brilliant. A must read for all Americans and Cultural Generational Americans. 5/5

If you would like to recommend books that I should read or would like to discuss any of these books with me feel free to leave a comment.

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter, Random

Online Book Haul

The Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver
The Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver

I present to you another unplanned segment of Online Book Haul!

I had bought Delirium about a month ago and I recently purchased on Amazon the rest of the Delirium trilogy including the extra companion that goes along with the books.

I bought the rest of the series trusting everyone in the reading world. I hope the trilogy is as good as people have been telling me it is.

I’m currently halfway through Delirium and soon I will be posting a review of Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead.

Richelle blew my mind once again!

Happy a Blessed Day!

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter, Random

Liebster Award


The wonderful teenagebooknut has nominated me for the Liebster Award! Honestly, I am shocked. I had not in a million years expected someone to nominate for the Liebster Award. I had been awarded one for my  tumblr blog but I would have not expected one here. Thank you for nominating me!

Some of you may be wondering what is this award? Well it’s an award given to blogs with under 200 followers to give them some drive and a bit of motivation to keep on working hard. What you have to do is answer the eleven questions you’re given and then leave eleven more question for eleven nominations of your choice.

… and here I go!

1. If, for the next ten minutes, you could talk to anyone you wanted (from the past, future, present, fiction, anything), who would you talk to? and what would you say?

Jesus. I would not know what to ask him or say to him though.

2. Looking back on your life so far, what have been your Top 3 moments?

Well, my first would be giving my life to Christ when I was 5. I am a christian. The second significant moment in my life would be when I graduated High School and my third significant moment would be when I entered University.

3. If you had the choice to live at any time of your choice, when would you choose and why?

I would choose to be born in 1989 instead of 1991. I like this era but there is something about being able to experience the 90’s more fully. I really liked the 90’s. 🙂

4. What was your favourite childhood television program? Why?

I loved to watch a spanish television show named “The Flying House”. Every time the three main characters would enter the house they would travel back in time to an important part in history. I love time traveling stuff.

5. If you had to pick one person in life who inspires you the most, who would that person be? Is there a reason you picked him/her?

My mother. She has been through so many hardships that I admire her for being the strong and grounded person she is today. The average person would be crazy by now if they went through everything that my mom has gone through. She is really an inspiration and gives me the strength to keep going. If she could do it, so can I. Nothing is impossible.

6. What is your all time favourite song?

Wow, this is hard. Ummm… I would have to say “Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been” by Relient K. It really speaks volumes about humanity and how our actions have consequences not only affecting ourselves but others as well.

7. What’s your worst/best memory of  school and why?

My best memory of school is music class. I didn’t even see it as a class. I saw it as a midday break to do something I loved.

8. For a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice and why?

A machete because it can be more efficient than a gun.

9. Where is your favourite place in the world?

Home, where ever that may be.

10. What is the one most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

That I can not tell you. Haha. Nice try though 😉

11. If you ever won the lottery, honestly, what would you do?

Some of my money would be donated to a non-profit organization and part of it would be used to open the Bakery/Cafe my mom has always wanted to own. If there is anything left, I would buy myself a house and put the rest into savings.


I don’t have a very exciting life and I hope my answers didn’t bore you to sleep. Thanks again for this award!

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter, Random

Editor’s Letter: Books on Hold (A Tumblr Post)

Happy Thursday!

This semester, Thursdays are my Fridays. I managed not to have Friday classes. *jumps in excitement*

This post will be a bit less professional than normal because I am re-posting something here that I posted on Tumblr a few days ago regarding books I have not finished, books that will probably be in my “on-hold” list for a while. My quality of writing suffers a bit in my tumblr blog because I write how I think, grammatical errors, incomplete sentences and all. You have been warned 🙂

Tumblr Post:

I have several books on hold. Like I can’t finish them for some reason.

Book #1 Insurgent by Veronica Roth

  • I have a very good reason why I haven’t finished it. The book can’t end. I refuse to finish it and… I have about 50% of the book left and I know I must read the rest in one sitting which I do not have the time for.

Book #2 Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay

  • Juliet makes me mad. And Romeo, don’t get me started with Romeo. Oh, and Juliet’s friend (I know it’s not her “real” friend because Juliet isn’t really Juliet but whichever girl’s body she is currently in. *sorry for spoilers but not really*) really annoys me too. Ugh.

Book #3 Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter

  • I’m mad at Hale. And Kat. For a more logical reason, see Insurgent’s reason.

And I’m currently reading Clockwork Prince (#2 in the The Infernal Devices Series) and If We Kiss by Rachel Vail.

So far, I really don’t like ‘If We Kiss’. Can’t get used to the writing style. Everything seems so immature and cliché. I bought the ebook for 2.99 so I’m not that upset. Just a little annoyed. I’m going to finish it though. I want to see if it has any redeeming qualities aside from the fact that the book is written grammatically well [so far].

Some books I have on hold [like I haven’t gotten to them] are:

  • Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead
  • Delirium by Lauren Oliver
  • and some other books in ebook form which I forgot the names of.

So that’s basically my book life. Apart from Uni books and homework.

Which I must get back to.

Oh Dear. God Help Me.


Happy Reading!