Editor Letter, Random

Online Book Haul

The Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver
The Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver

I present to you another unplanned segment of Online Book Haul!

I had bought Delirium about a month ago and I recently purchased on Amazon the rest of the Delirium trilogy including the extra companion that goes along with the books.

I bought the rest of the series trusting everyone in the reading world. I hope the trilogy is as good as people have been telling me it is.

I’m currently halfway through Delirium and soon I will be posting a review of Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead.

Richelle blew my mind once again!

Happy a Blessed Day!

Happy Reading!

Editor Letter, Random

Liebster Award


The wonderful teenagebooknut has nominated me for the Liebster Award! Honestly, I am shocked. I had not in a million years expected someone to nominate for the Liebster Award. I had been awarded one for my  tumblr blog but I would have not expected one here. Thank you for nominating me!

Some of you may be wondering what is this award? Well it’s an award given to blogs with under 200 followers to give them some drive and a bit of motivation to keep on working hard. What you have to do is answer the eleven questions you’re given and then leave eleven more question for eleven nominations of your choice.

… and here I go!

1. If, for the next ten minutes, you could talk to anyone you wanted (from the past, future, present, fiction, anything), who would you talk to? and what would you say?

Jesus. I would not know what to ask him or say to him though.

2. Looking back on your life so far, what have been your Top 3 moments?

Well, my first would be giving my life to Christ when I was 5. I am a christian. The second significant moment in my life would be when I graduated High School and my third significant moment would be when I entered University.

3. If you had the choice to live at any time of your choice, when would you choose and why?

I would choose to be born in 1989 instead of 1991. I like this era but there is something about being able to experience the 90’s more fully. I really liked the 90’s. 🙂

4. What was your favourite childhood television program? Why?

I loved to watch a spanish television show named “The Flying House”. Every time the three main characters would enter the house they would travel back in time to an important part in history. I love time traveling stuff.

5. If you had to pick one person in life who inspires you the most, who would that person be? Is there a reason you picked him/her?

My mother. She has been through so many hardships that I admire her for being the strong and grounded person she is today. The average person would be crazy by now if they went through everything that my mom has gone through. She is really an inspiration and gives me the strength to keep going. If she could do it, so can I. Nothing is impossible.

6. What is your all time favourite song?

Wow, this is hard. Ummm… I would have to say “Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been” by Relient K. It really speaks volumes about humanity and how our actions have consequences not only affecting ourselves but others as well.

7. What’s your worst/best memory of  school and why?

My best memory of school is music class. I didn’t even see it as a class. I saw it as a midday break to do something I loved.

8. For a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice and why?

A machete because it can be more efficient than a gun.

9. Where is your favourite place in the world?

Home, where ever that may be.

10. What is the one most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

That I can not tell you. Haha. Nice try though 😉

11. If you ever won the lottery, honestly, what would you do?

Some of my money would be donated to a non-profit organization and part of it would be used to open the Bakery/Cafe my mom has always wanted to own. If there is anything left, I would buy myself a house and put the rest into savings.


I don’t have a very exciting life and I hope my answers didn’t bore you to sleep. Thanks again for this award!

Happy Reading!